Manual for Kisdnmonitor
The applet
The main window
The context menu
Adding a new entry to the addressbook
Adding a phonenumber to an existing addressee
The statistics window
Saving the graphics to disk

The applet
To show kisdnmonitor's main window click on the kisdnmonitor applet located in your KDE Taskbar. The appareance of it is the one shown in the pictures below.

This is how the applet should look like if everything is ok. The top led is green and both channel indicators are off. If there's an error, the top led will be red.

This is how the applet looks if there's a call ongoing. The top led is green and one channel led is on.

The applet with both channels on and the popup window showing incoming and outgoing calls. The outgoing call has the running costs to it.

Please note that if isdnserver is monitoring more than one card, there will be more call leds shown, for every card you will have two additional channel indicators.

The main window
Kisdnmonitor's main window

On the top of the window you will find the menu bar (File, Edit, Tools, Settings and Help).

The next section is the tool bar, with quick accesible buttons (Print, Undo, Cut, Copy, Find, Kaddressbook and Statistics).

Next is the list window, where the data about the calls is displayed.

The last section is the status bar, where the totals are shown. The small icons on the left side indicate that there's a voice message attached to the entry. The appereance of the icon can differ from distribution to distribution, it also depends on which icon set is installed.

The menu items on the menu bar should be self explaining, excepting the "save as..." menu item, that needs some deeper explanation. By clicking the item, you will be shown a KDE standard file dialog. The resulting file is a tab separated file with the following rows: Date-Time, Direction, Name, MSN, Caller, Duration, Costs and Type. The format is ASCII.

The tool bar has three entries that need some explanation. Kaddressbook, will start KDE's standard addressbook programm, refer to it's documentation to know more about it. Statistics will be explained in deeper detail further on. The find dialog is explained in the following section.

The find dialog lets you search through the rows of the list:

In the textbox below the "Search for:" string you can enter the text you're searching for. "In column" you can choose the row. Check "Exact match" if you want to search for the string as it is. For example, if you're looking for "Peter" but not for "Peter Pan" you should check "Exact match". "Case sensitive" should be checked if you want the search routine to consider upper and lower cases, "Peter" isn't "peter". "Is empty" is true if the entry has no data on the selected row, the opposite is true for "Is not empty".

The "Find" button is enabled whenever you enter a text string in "Search for" or you've checked "Is empty" or "Is not empty". "Show all" is enabled if the list isn't showing all entries.

The context menu
Whenever you right click on a listwindow's entry, you will be shown one of the following context menues:

This will be shown if the entry has no addressee assigned to it. This will be shown if there's an addressee assigned to the entry. This will be shown if a voice message is attached to the entry and it has an addresse assigned to it.

Adding a new entry to the addressbook
Right click on an entry that has no addressee assigned to it, the "Name" row will show "Unknown". Two options will be shown, "Add to addressbook" and "Add to existing addressee". Click on "Add to addressbook", the following window will appear:

Here you can choose to which category the phone nuber belongs and if it's the preferred number of the addressee, the next window will be kaddressbook's address dialog, where you can set the addresse(s), phone numbers, name, homepage, etc... of the addressee.

Adding a phonenumber to an existing addressee
Right click on an entry that has no addressee assigned to it, the "Name" row will show "Unknown". Two options will be shown, "Add to addressbook" and "Add to existing addressee". Click on "Add to existing addressee", the following window will appear:

Here you can choose to which addressee the phone number will be assigned. Click on the desired entry. The next dialog that will popup is the one described in "Adding a new entry to the addressbook".

The statistics window
Below you see the statistics window showing the "grand totals".

The first sectin shows us the menu bar (File, View, Help), it's items should be self explaining. The only item that needs deeper explanation is the "Save as..." entry located in the "File" menu item. It will be explained below.

The main view holds the graphical plots of the data provided by the phone list. Above you see different tabs (Totals, Year). To change the views click on the tabs.

The above picture shows us the data sorted by year. As you can see there are different tabs and subtabs that weren't available in the "grand totals". You can click through the different tabs to retrieve the time period you want to see. In order to change the type of data processed and show, you can right click on the graphical plot (white area), then the following popup menu will appear:

All graphs are sorted by the direction ("in" or "out") of the recorded calls.
show calls: count the call entries
show costs: count the costs
show duration: count the duration of the calls

Saving the graphics to disk
In the "File" popup meno on the menubar you will find the "Save as..." entry. With it you can save the graphical plot to a disk in bitmapped format. If you click on it, the standard KDE file dialog will pop up. Following formats are supported* : gif, bmp, jpg, pnm, xbm and xpm.

*please note that your QT libraries have to be compiled with the support for those bitmap formats.

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copyright 2003 Jorge Windmeisser Oliver