Accessing the configuration window
Kisdnmonitor's configuration window can be accessed through the "settings" menu.
If you don't want any toolbar or statusbar, just uncheck both entries.
To access Kisdnmonitor's configuration window click on the "Configure Kisdnmonitor..." menu item.
Changing font types and colors, the "Phonelist" tab
The window contains four tabs (Phonelist, Isdnserver, Actions and Voice Box). In the image shows
us the content of the first tab, Phonelist. Here you can change the appareance and colors fo the
fonts. The Listview entry, is for the calls you've seen, click on the arrow that shows down and
a popup menu will appear:
To change the color click on a color entry in the popup window or choose the "custom..." entry. If
you choose the "custom..." entry a new window will appear, where you can freely choose your desired
The following list describes each color entry:
Listview: these are the call entries that are "old" or have been clicked
Logged on: these are new call entries that have been tracked while kisdnmonitor was running
Logged off: these are the entries that have been tracked while you were logged off
To change the font type or size, please click on the "Call list" button. When clicked the following
window will appear:
This is the standard KDE font chooser dialog. On the first row you can choose the desired font.
The second
row lets you choose the font weight and the third is for the font size. Just click on the different
entries and check the preview located at the bottom.
Changing the port number and/or the host name/IP number to connect to isdnserver
Click on the "Isdnserver" tab to change the configurators view. The window will change to this:
In the "Host name" textbox you can change the name or IP number of the machine that is running
isdnserver. The default value for "Host name" is "localhost".
The "Port number" textbox holds the value for the isdnserver's port number, isdnserver has the
port number 4950 by default, this is the default entry for kisdnmonitor as well.
Please note that if you're running isdnserver in "localmode" the textboxes will not be editable.
Defining actions for different events, the "Actions" tab
Click on the "Actions" tab to change the configurators view. The window will change to this:
This tab defines custom "actions" for specific triggers, the following list will explain the textboxes:
Alert: this event is triggered when an incoming or outgoing call happens
Billing: this event is triggered when a cost unit is billed by your provider
End of call: this event is triggered when the call has finished
Phonebook: the command entered in this texbox will be executed when you click on the
listwindow's context popupmenu entry that will be generated if you define it
The variables that can be used:
$number: if the call is incoming, it will show the number of the person that is
calling you, if it's outgoing the number of the called person will be returned
$msn: your MSN, if isdnserver is not able to get it, the value will be "n/a"
$time: the date and time
$name: the name associated to $number, if there isn't any it will be "Unknown"
$cost: the costs of a call, if there aren't any it will be 0
$duration: the duration of a call
$direction: the direction of a call "in" or "out"
$type: the type, "private, work, fax, etc...", attached to the phone number
$number, the phone number of the caller, if there isn't any, "Unknown" or the values that isdnserver provides will be returned
An example:
kisdnmonitor will send us to a given email address an email when a call ends.
1. Open the kisdnmonitor configuration Dialog
2. Click on the "Actions" tab
3. Insert in the "End of Call" field the following text: echo "You've got a call!" | mail -s "$name $msn $number ($time)"
4. Click on OK
The example will send a mail with a subject containing the name, your msn, the number
and the date-time when the call happened in brackets. With the body text "You've got
a call!" to For further instructions on "mail" type on a console
"man mail".
(Change, to the address you want send the mail)
Swiss users can paste the following in the "Phonebook" ("Telefonbuch") field:$number
(You will get access to the online phonebook and search it by phonenumber)
As far as I know, this is illegal in the EU, so you won't find any online phonebooks that let
you retrieve an addressee's data with the phone number.
Please note that the defined actions will only be executed if kisdnmonitor is running, this will
change in the future.
Defining the Voice Box options
Click on the "Voice box" tab to change the configurators view. The window will change to this:
Here you can define if you want an external player by checking the "External player" checkbox. If
you do so, then you will have to enter the path to your favourite player's executable in the
"Player's path" textbox.
If you want to be notified before you delete a voice message on the phone list window, check
"Warning before deleting".